PEP to take part in action against drones

On Saturday, April 13th, the Peace Economy Project will be joining other St. Louis organizations to take a stand against the U.S. drone program.

We will be taking part in a rally and march downtown starting at Soldier’s Memorial to let the world know that the people of St. Louis are demanding “Drones Out of Africa and Everywhere.

The U.S. drone program is currently being used as a so-called weapon to fight terrorism and save civilian lives. But the unclear criteria for targeted killings by drone strikes has been a concern of many. Over 3,000 people have been killed by U.S. drone strikes, including a large number of civilians and children.

That the U.S. prioritizes resources for a program that has ben argued ultimately breeds increased hatred for our country is a concern to us.  Every hour that a drone is in the air cost approximately $2,000-$3,500. A single Reaper drone costs $28 million, a Predator drone $4.5 million. This is money that could be better invested in educating children, providing healthcare, and taking care of people.

We hope that you will join us on April 13th to demand “U.S. Drone Out of Africa and Everywhere!” For more information, pelase check out our event page on our website or on Facebook.

We also plan to visit Claire McCaskill’s office on April 12th as a follow-up to our initial visit along with the Instead of War Coalition, CAIR St. Louis, Organization for Black Struggle, ACLU-EM, Veterans for Peace, and Amnesty-St. Louis.

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