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PEP Takes a Stand Against Drones

On the heels of Rand Paul’s 13 hour filibuster that brought greater attention to the US drone program, the Peace Economy Project joined the Instead of War Coalition, ACLU of Eastern Missouri, Veterans for Peace, Organization for Black Struggle, and CAIR St. Louis in visiting  Claire McCaskill’s office.

The purpose of the visit was to inform McCaskill about our concerns with the program, both in how drones are used at home and abroad. Lack of oversight and secrecy surrounding the program are a huge concern for us, as are the human cost. It has been PEP’s stance that the US drone program makes us less safe, instead creating fear and hatred of American people abroad.

We stand with Paul in questioning the program of drones, and hope to take it even farther to stand up against drones. If you agree, please consider contacting McCaskill to tell her to make a stand against drones.

We will also be participating in a National Day of Action about drones on April 13th. If you are interested in learning more, please contact us at peaceeconomyproject@gmail.com.