War at Home, War Abroad: Militarization and Surveillance

Friday, October 10
7:00 pm
Friends Meeting House, 1001 Park Ave.

*Please note change in location

Teargas, tanks, rifles, rubber bullets. Weapons of war were out in force in Ferguson, Missouri used by police against peaceful protestors. The scene in Ferguson was created by an increasing trend towards militarization by local police forces.

In our panel, we will highlight the connection between our military actions abroad and the increasing militarization of the police at home, uncovering the insidious role of the military-industrial complex in today’s policing practices. There’s a war at home and abroad, and both treat black and brown people as enemy combatants.

From economic repression to surveillance techniques to drone policy, we will discuss the elements that have created militarized policing and the resistance that has formed to work against it.

Current speaker lineup:
Linda Sarsour: Tying together police brutality showcased in Ferguson and NYC stop and frisk program with what is happening overseas in places like Palestine and drone programs abroad.

Michael McPhearson: The connections between the struggle here and abroad, including the similarities in societal and economic conditions shared around the globe. He will also touch on how military responses are not the answer here or abroad.

Colleen Kelly: The role of surveillance in the overall militaristic trend that we are experiencing in this country, and the importance of resisting police surveillance systems in addition to typical militarization.

Sponsoring Organizations: Drone Free St. Louis, Veterans for Peace, UMStL Muslim Student Association, CAIR-St Louis, Peace Economy Project, St. Louis Palestine Solidarity Committee, St. Louis Instead of War Coalition, Muslims for Ferguson

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