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Urgent Call to Action: Support the Expansion of RECA

oleksandra-bardash-q-QZw_s97Oc-unsplash-scaled Urgent Call to Action: Support the Expansion of RECA

Dear Peace Economy Supporters,

We are at a critical juncture, and your voice is more crucial than ever. The Radiation Exposure Compensation Act (RECA), a vital piece of legislation that provides restitution to those affected by radiation exposure during nuclear weapons testing and uranium mining, is on the brink of expiring on June 7th. Without immediate action, many individuals and communities will lose their right to compensation, which is essential for their health and well-being.

Immediate Action Required

We urgently call on you to reach out to your U.S. Representative to push for a crucial vote on the floor of the House. It’s time to not only extend but also expand RECA, ensuring that all affected individuals receive the support they need and deserve.

Support the Cori Bush-Josh Hawley Version of RECA

Representatives Cori Bush and Josh Hawley have championed the most comprehensive version of the RECA bill. Their version promises to expand the scope of compensation and is the version that truly aligns with our values of justice and accountability. This bill has garnered significant support and has a strong chance of passing—if it is brought to a vote.

Here’s How You Can Help:

1. Contact Your Representative: Find your representative’s contact information via www.house.gov. Once you have located your representative, urge them to support bringing the Cori Bush-Josh Hawley version of RECA to the floor for a vote and to vote in favor of its passage. Emphasize the urgency and the nearing expiration date.

2. Call House Speaker Mike Johnson: It is crucial that House Speaker Mike Johnson allows the RECA bill to come to a vote. Please call him at 202-225-4000. Politely urge Speaker Johnson to bring the bill to the floor, emphasizing the broad support for this legislation and its importance to many Americans.

Sample Script for Calls and Emails:

“Hello, my name is [Your Name], and I am a resident of [Your City, State]. I am calling to urgently request [Your Representative/Speaker Johnson] to support the Radiation Exposure Compensation Act (RECA). It is vital to bring the Cori Bush-Josh Hawley version of this bill to the floor for a vote before it expires on June 7. This legislation is crucial for providing justice to thousands of Americans affected by radiation exposure. Thank you for your time and for supporting this important issue.”

Why It Matters

The Radiation Exposure Compensation Act represents a fundamental aspect of our commitment to peace and justice. By compensating those affected by nuclear activities, we acknowledge the past wrongs and take tangible steps towards healing and reconciliation. Your action today can make a real difference in the lives of many.

Thank you for your prompt attention to this critical issue. Together, let’s raise our voices and ensure our leaders act in the interest of justice and humanity.

Peace Economy Project