Urgent Call to Action: Stop Military Aid to Israel

As supporters of the Peace Economy Project, we have always stood for non-violence and advocated for reallocating military spending towards enhancing community well-being and sustainability. Today, we find ourselves at an important moment, where our collective voice can truly make a difference in halting the U.S. government’s financial support for military operations that not only exacerbate conflicts but also contribute to severe humanitarian crises.

Recent developments have seen the U.S. Congress preparing to vote on a substantial increase in military funding to Israel. Over the last six months, escalated military actions funded by previous U.S. aid packages have led to the deaths of over 33,000 Palestinians. These actions have devastated Gaza’s healthcare system and led to famine, pushing an entire population further into despair.

The Peace Economy Project firmly opposes any form of military aggression financed by U.S. taxpayers. It is now more imperative than ever to advocate for peace and urge our lawmakers to reconsider their stance on military aid to Israel. Military aid to Israel is perpetuating violence and suffering.

How You Can Help:

We urge you to contact your Senators and Congressional representatives immediately to express your opposition to this military funding. Below is a script you can use when calling your lawmakers:


Call Script to Stop Military Aid to Israel

Introduction: “Hello, my name is [Your Name], and I am a resident of [Your Town/City], [Your State]. I am calling to urgently request Senator/Representative [Name] to oppose and vote NO on the upcoming bill that proposes increased military funding to Israel.”

State the Facts: “I want to express my severe concern regarding the U.S.’s continued financial support for military operations in Israel, which has contributed to the death of over 33,000 Palestinians and the catastrophic humanitarian crisis in Gaza. This military aid has supported operations that have destroyed healthcare infrastructure and exacerbated famine conditions.”

Make a Personal Appeal: “As a voter and a supporter of the Peace Economy Project, I believe in nurturing peace and economic justice rather than funding conflicts. The U.S. should not be complicit in war crimes and should instead use its resources to promote peace and support humanitarian efforts.”

Demand Specific Action: “I urge Senator/Representative [Name] to vote NO on any bills that include military aid to Israel. Please push for a re-evaluation of our foreign aid strategy and advocate for immediate peace-building measures and humanitarian aid to the affected regions.”

Close the Call: “Thank you for considering my views. This issue is of utmost importance to me, and I am deeply concerned about the moral implications of our nation’s involvement. I hope to see action from Senator/Representative [Name] that reflects a commitment to peace and humanitarian principles.”


Your voice can influence congressional leaders to rethink their positions and advocate for policies that promote peace and justice worldwide. Every call made, every email sent, and every petition signed adds up and creates collective pressure that can lead to change.

Share this message with your network, encourage friends and family to make calls, and use social media to raise awareness. The more people participate, the louder our call for peace becomes.

Together, we can make a difference. We count on your active participation to help redirect U.S. foreign policy towards a more peaceful and just direction. Let’s unite our voices for peace and demand an end to military funding that fuels conflict.

Contact Your Legislators Today: Stop Arming Conflict. Start Promoting Peace.

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