
Wednesday, December 17
St. Louis Metro Police Department, 1915 Olive

Young Activists United St. Louis will gather in front of St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department Headquarters Downtown at noon and marching to City Hall in response to the aggressive force and action that protestors have seen in the wake of the killing of Mike Brown while peacefully protesting and seeking justice.

In addition to groups and collectives, many individual protestors have been targeted. Rasheen Aldridge, a member of the Ferguson Commission and an active voice on the ground in Ferguson, has had his name smeared in the media after being charged with assault after trying to enter City Hall during an action. Another protester that entered City Hall at the same action Zach Chasnoff, was swarmed by 8 officers and arrested days after the protest while grocery shopping with his wife. During this arrest he was harassed relentlessly, as was his wife. Derek Laney of MORE was charged with assault after participating in a “die in”. Additionally, many protestors have been held for 24 hours before even getting charges and being processed. And these are only a few examples.

Above all we want justice for Mike Brown, Kajieme Powell, VonDerrit Myers, and all others victims of systemic racism and police brutality, and we will not stand for this intimidation, nor will we be silenced. Join us on Wednesday to spread the message– #ThisStopsToday

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