Sign On! Ban Weaponized Drones

The US drone program has been a problematic fixture of US foreign policy, resulting in high civilian casualty rates, strained foreign relationships, and a troubling relaxed attitude for the assassination of individuals suspected of being terrorists.

But there are folks across the US and the globe urging for an end to these types of strikes. Sign on if you agree that weaponized drones have no place in our world.

Meticulous researchers have documented that U.S. drones are killing many innocent civilians in Pakistan, Yemen and elsewhere.  Drones are making the world less stable and creating new enemies. Their remoteness provides those responsible with a sense of immunity.1

Weaponized drones are no more acceptable than land mines, cluster bombs, or chemical weapons.  The world must renounce and forbid their manufacture, possession, or use. Violators must be held accountable.

Sign on Now!

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