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The Peace Economy Project relies upon the generous support of individual members and member organizations to continue its work. If your concern about the amount of money devoted to the military budget or St. Louis’ role in producing armaments for the Pentagon seems to be growing and you’re not sure what to do about your concerns, we have a suggestion. BECOME A MEMBER of the Peace Economy Project!

It’s easy. Simply send us an email at:


Or give us a call at:


You can ask for information on how to join PEP, or to request a newsletter or more information on about the Peace Economy Project’s program work. Or you can join by sending a contribution that fits within your means to the Peace Economy Project at:

Peace Economy Project
438 N. Skinker Blvd.
St. Louis MO 63130

Members receive our annual newsletter, Peace Economy News, as well as mailed notices and email alerts about issues and actions you can take, as well as invitations to PEP events. You can do your own “economic conversion” and divert some tax money that would otherwise go to the Pentagon and invest in local disarmament work and local peaceful businesses. No matter what your decision, please do what you can to become empowered and help eradicate violence and its escalation in our world.

Also check our NEWS and EVENTS for more information about activities organized in our local community. The Peace Economy Project is a member of the St. Louis Instead of War Coalition (IOW) and United For Peace And Justice (UFPJ).