Adrienne Klein

Adrienne (Klein) Palomeque is an expert advisor and facilitator with a passion for mission based work. She strongly believes in education, collaboration and consciousness raising, the tenants of Peace Economy Project. She recently ran for City Council in Cambridge, Massachusetts and currently works as the Director of Constituent Services for the Mayor of Cambridge, so she is very dedicated to investing in her community and local communities and economies generally. Previously, she worked for the NYC H+H department as a Public Health Advisor assigned to the COVID-19 response efforts. She has experience in international humanitarian response and human rights advocacy in Argentina, Sri Lanka, Nigeria, El Salvador, and Mexico. She focuses specifically on marginalized groups living in transitional states and societies from the perspectives of human security, international law, violence reduction, and public health, all very relevant for the Peace Economy Project.  Adrienne holds a Master of Arts in Law and Diplomacy from the Fletcher School, and a Bachelor of Arts in Anthropology from Smith College.

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