Join PEP in a Valentine’s Day Demonstration

The Peace Economy Project will engage in a demonstration a few days before Valentine’s Day in support of police demilitarization and police reform. PEP, with co-sponsors Organization for Black Struggle, Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom, and Veterans for Peace, are demonstrating in support of the Valentine’s Day Campaign for Police Accountability, scheduled to be held in Washington D.C. on February 14. Participants in the Valentines March were asked to show up in Washington D.C. with Valentines containing the names of those who have been harmed or killed due to police abuse of authority. These Valentines will be left on the steps of Capitol Hill.

PEP and supporting individuals and organizations will engage in a demonstration a few days earlier on Feb. 12. We will deliver valentines to congresswomen and senators in our area. The effort will start at Congresswoman Cori Bush’s (D-Missouri) office at noon. We will deliver our valentines to Bush and her staff at her office in support of legislation to change how policing is done in our nation.  Next, we will visit Senator Roy Blunt’s (R-Mo.) office at 2 p.m. to deliver more valentines. The day will end with a visit to Congresswoman Ann Wagner’s (R-Missouri) office.

We will follow Covid-19 safety precautions and use just one to two people in the physical delivery of the valentines. Anyone who wishes to join us in this struggle is welcome to show up at the scheduled time. Here’s a link to the Valentine’s Day Campaign: