Urgent Call to Action: Contact Your Congressional Representatives to Recognize Sudan’s Atrocities as Genocide

Young boy appearing in a hole in a wall. His hand blocks his face.

The situation in Sudan has reached a critical point, and we can no longer stand by as innocent lives are lost. The U.S. must act now to halt the devastation unfolding in the region. We are calling on all our supporters to contact their congressional representatives and urge them to support bipartisan efforts to recognize the atrocities in Sudan as genocide.

The Devastating Reality in Sudan

Recently, Sudan’s paramilitary forces launched a brutal attack on the central village of Sirba, resulting in the horrific deaths of 85 people . This massacre is just one example of the widespread violence and ethnic cleansing that has plagued Sudan, leaving countless families shattered and communities destroyed.

The violence in Sudan is not just confined to these attacks. The country is also grappling with a severe cholera outbreak, exacerbated by the ongoing conflict. As of now, this deadly disease has already claimed lives and is spreading rapidly, further endangering the vulnerable population . The combination of violence and disease has created a humanitarian crisis that demands immediate global attention and action.

Why We Must Act Now

In the face of such overwhelming violence and suffering, the international community has a moral obligation to respond. Recognizing the atrocities in Sudan as genocide is a crucial step in mobilizing the resources and support needed to protect innocent lives and hold the perpetrators accountable.

There are bipartisan efforts in Congress to recognize these crimes as genocide, but they need our support to gain the momentum necessary to make a real impact. By contacting your congressional representatives, you can help ensure that the U.S. takes a strong stand against these atrocities and leads the global effort to bring peace and justice to Sudan.

How You Can Help

1. Contact Your Congressional Representatives: Reach out to your representatives and urge them to support the recognition of Sudan’s atrocities as genocide. You can find contact information for your representatives here and here.

2. Share the Message: Amplify this call to action by sharing this article with your network. The more voices we have advocating for this cause, the greater our impact will be.

3. Stay Informed: Follow reputable news sources and organizations to stay updated on the situation in Sudan. Knowledge is power, and staying informed allows you to be a more effective advocate.

The people of Sudan cannot afford to wait any longer. The U.S. must act now to halt the devastation and prevent further loss of life. Your voice can make a difference—contact your representatives today and demand action.

Together, we can help bring an end to the suffering in Sudan and ensure that those responsible for these heinous crimes are held accountable.

Thank you for your continued support and commitment to justice and human rights.

Katerina Canyon

Executive Director

Peace Economy Project