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Supporting the Arab Peace Initiative: The Path to Ending Israel’s War in Gaza

rachid-oucharia-D4jS3ZV8nbc-unsplash-1024x683 Supporting the Arab Peace Initiative: The Path to Ending Israel’s War in Gaza

The ongoing war in Gaza has led to unimaginable suffering and devastation, with over 37,000 deaths and 78,000 injuries reported by mid-June. The humanitarian crisis is worsening, with the people of Gaza deprived of basic necessities like food and healthcare, their homes and educational institutions destroyed, and diseases spreading rapidly. As the international community searches for solutions, it is crucial to revisit and support the Arab Peace Initiative (API) as a viable path to peace and stability in the region.

The Arab Peace Initiative: A Framework for Peace

The Arab Peace Initiative, proposed by Saudi Arabia in 2002 and endorsed by the Arab League, offers a comprehensive framework to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The plan calls for Israel to withdraw to its pre-1967 borders, the establishment of a Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital, and a fair resolution to the Palestinian refugee issue. In return, the Arab states would recognize Israel and normalize relations, creating a foundation for lasting peace and regional cooperation.

The Urgency of Embracing the API

The current conflict in Gaza underscores the urgent need for a bold and comprehensive approach to peace. The API addresses the root causes of the conflict, including the occupation and the denial of Palestinian self-determination. By adopting the API, the international community can pave the way for a durable peace that benefits both Palestinians and Israelis.

1. Humanitarian Relief and Reconstruction: The immediate priority is to end the violence and provide humanitarian relief to Gaza. The API framework supports the establishment of a unified Palestinian government, which is essential for effective governance and the reconstruction of Gaza. With the backing of the Arab world and the international community, a coordinated effort can rebuild the infrastructure and provide essential services, restoring hope to the people of Gaza.

2. Regional Stability and Security: The prolonged conflict not only affects Palestinians and Israelis but also destabilizes the broader Middle East. By resolving the conflict through the API, regional tensions can be alleviated, fostering cooperation and stability. This approach ensures security guarantees for Israel while addressing the legitimate aspirations of the Palestinian people.

3. Economic Development and Cooperation: Peace opens the door to economic opportunities that can transform the region. The API envisions a future where Israel is integrated into the regional economy, benefiting from trade and investment opportunities. Palestinian economic development, supported by international aid and investment, can create jobs and improve living standards, contributing to long-term stability.

The Role of the International Community

The United States, the United Nations, and other global powers must play a crucial role in supporting and implementing the API. An international conference, with the participation of key Arab states, can set the stage for a comprehensive peace plan. Strong backing from the international community will make it difficult for any party to dismiss the initiative and ensure that the peace process is robust and inclusive.

The Arab Peace Initiative presents a realistic and equitable solution to one of the world’s most enduring conflicts. By addressing the core issues and fostering cooperation, the API can bring about a just and lasting peace for Palestinians and Israelis. It is time for the international community to embrace this initiative and work together to end the cycle of violence and build a future of peace and prosperity for all. The time for action is now, and the Arab Peace Initiative is the best path forward.

Source: Foreign Affairs