In a world increasingly plagued by conflict and violence, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and powerless. Yet, every one of us has the capacity to make a difference. One of the most impactful steps you can take today is to declare your commitment to peace by signing the Conscientious Objector Pledge.

Why This Pledge Matters

The Conscientious Objector Pledge is more than just a statement; it’s a powerful act of resistance against the global war machine. It is a declaration that you refuse to be complicit in industries that profit from the production and sale of weapons—the very tools that fuel violence, destroy lives, and perpetuate cycles of conflict around the world.

By signing this pledge, you join a growing movement of individuals who are standing up to say “no” to the war economy and “yes” to peace. This is a personal commitment to reject any involvement in the defense industry, whether through employment or investment. It’s a statement that you will not contribute to the suffering of others for profit.

The Pledge

“I declare my Conscientious Objection to profiting from making weapons that destroy people and other living things. I hereby declare, on oath, I absolutely renounce entirely and reject all allegiance to any industry that designs, produces, sells, or gives weapons or weapons systems or hardware or software to any entity. I shall never interview for nor accept any offer to work for any Defense (War) industry.”

This pledge is not just for young people or those at the beginning of their careers—it’s for everyone who believes in the possibility of a world without war. It’s for anyone who is tired of seeing lives lost and communities devastated by violence.

a-hand-signing-a-document-with-a-pen Stand for Peace: Sign the Conscientious Objector Pledge Today

Join our movement

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How You Can Make a Difference

1. Sign the Pledge: Take the first step by signing the Conscientious Objector Pledge. By doing so, you’re making a personal commitment to peace and nonviolence.

2. Spread the Word: Encourage others to take the pledge as well. Share this article, talk to your friends and family, and use social media to amplify the message.

3. Advocate for Change: Get involved with organizations like Veterans For Peace, who are leading the charge in calling for accountability among the war profiteers—the “Merchants of Death.” Participate in panels, attend rallies, and use your voice to demand a world free from the grip of the defense industry.

4. Support Nonviolent Action: Consider joining or supporting initiatives that focus on nonviolent action and the promotion of peace. Every small action contributes to a larger movement that can change the world.

Join Us in Taking a Stand

This is a critical moment in history. The choices we make today will shape the world we leave for future generations. By signing the Conscientious Objector Pledge, you are choosing to be on the side of peace, justice, and humanity.

Let’s come together to create a world where conflict is resolved through dialogue, not violence. A world where industries no longer profit from the pain and suffering of others. A world where peace is not just a dream, but a reality.

Sign the Conscientious Objector Pledge today and take a stand for a better world.

Together, we can make a difference. Together, we can choose peace.