In October, the Peace Economy Project will be leaving for Washington D.C. We will bring with us at least one student intern and we will visit the offices of your Senators and Representatives if you sign our Statement for Peace.

The Peace Economy Project works for an economy based around the needs of the people. We have also watched with concern as the U.S.government exits international agreements:
• the arms control Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action;
• the arms control Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty;

• the arms control Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty (in 2003).
• the Paris Climate Accords (2017).

PEP is alarmed at President Trump’s proposed:
• 750 billion dollar defense budget!
• His proposed Space Force
• His hints at nuclear proliferation
• His proposal regarding the military in his State of the Union to “outspend and out innovate others by far”

While the military-industrial complex grows larger, the civilian segment of our economy grows poorer – a crumbling infrastructure, millions of citizens with no health insurance, and college education growing more unaffordable for people in the middle-to-low income part of the income scale. In addition, our economy desperately needs innovation through an expanded research and development sector and an expanded affordable housing and childcare sector.

PEP calls on Congress to expand the boundaries of security beyond weapons to human needs. Join PEP in making this call. If you would like us to visit your congressman, congresswoman, or senator, then send us your name, address and zip code. You can email this information to