PEP Continues Arms Control Program

By Jason Sibert

The Peace Economy Project is continuing its arms control fellowship program that started earlier in the summer.

PEP’s Arms Control Fellowship Program engages college students on the twin subjects of peace and arms control. Fellows attend lectures from PEP Executive Director Jason Sibert and write on arms control, diplomacy and peace.   Three students were involved in the fellow program last summer.

Connor Worley joined the Peace Economy Project as an arms control fellow in the latter portion the program’s last eight-week session. He will continue to participate in another eight-week session.

Worley, a resident of St. Louis, graduated from St. Louis University High School in 2018 and later attended Georgetown University. He will be attending college locally soon.

Worley studied international relations at Georgetown and he plans on continuing this course of study. He has an interest in international law as it pertains to creating the conditions for peace. Worley took an interest in foreign affairs his sophomore year of high school when he started to read on it.

Jason Sibert is the Executive Director of the Peace Economy Project