On a Vision of Justice

By Jason Sibert

The rise of authoritarian movements, the breaking of arms control treaties, the problem of inequality in our county, the need to reform public safety, public health, and the continued problem of climate change have grabbed headlines as of late.

However, few in the media have talked about the connection between all of the issues. Arms control is a method of security peace through cooperation with other nations in reducing the number of arms in the world. The United Sates has an impressive record when it comes to nuclear arms control, although much work needs to be done in this area. On that note, President Donald Trump has withdrawn from the Intermediate-Range Nuclear-Forces Treaty, the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, and the Open Skies Treaty. Arms control is a method of security that seeks to meld the nations of the world together in a vison of a world with fewer arms.

The killing of George Floyd by Minneapolis police officer set off demonstrations across the country, although the discussion on policing was underway before then. Some have argued for a more community oriented from of public safety and have used Camden, New Jersey as a model. Camden’s model of public safety relies on foot patrol, as foot patrol makes officers more a part of the community. Officers also regularly hold community events – such as cookouts – to make a connection between public safety and the community. Camden was considered one of the most violent cities in the United States just a few years ago. The police department had a reputation for corruption, as police officers routinely planted evidence on suspects, fabricated reports, and committed perjury, said reports. When a new police officer joins the force, he or she is required to knock on the doors of the people in his or her neighborhood and see what is needed to improve the neighborhood. Police training emphasizes de-escalation and violence is stressed as a last option. Camden’s police don’t resemble military units at all. Scott Thompson, the former police chief who led the transition to a new force, said the new force would resemble the Peace Corps instead of a military organization. The militarization of our police forces has received a significant amount of attention in the controversy over police shootings. This model of policing melds the community and public safety.

The two presidential runs of Bernie Sanders brought the problem of economic inequality to the forefront. The campaign embraced movements to expand health insurance, raise the minimum wage, and expand Social Security. The social democratic vision embraced by Sanders amounts to cooperation in the economic realm to build a more economically inclusive society.

Arguments for a better public health system have been in the media since the fight against Covid-19 started. Some have shown opposition to the concept of public health through opposition to mask wearing and other public health measures. Public health protects the public against diseases and other threats. Like arms control and social democratic reform, it pulls us together as a group.

The environmental movement has addressed the problem of greenhouse gas pollution and other forms of pollution for years. The movement is concerned with the impacts of pollution on society, just like arms control advocates are concerned about the impact on arms buildups on societies.

The authoritarian politics represented by President Donald Trump ignores the impacts of greenhouse gas pollution, rejects arms control, has no real answer on public safety reform, doesn’t take public health seriously, and does little to address inequality, aside from blame the problem on immigrants.

If we are to work toward a society where arms control and environmental, economic, and health justice are embraced, our country must reject authoritarianism. The vision of a democratic republic is the vision of people working together to solve problems. The vision of authoritarianism is a vision of one group of people with authority over other factions that has little regard for the idea of society.

Jason Sibert is the executive director of the Peace Economy Project.