By Jason Sibert

Peace Economy Project is participating in the non-profit fundraising drive Give St. Louis this year.

PEP  participated in the local drive in previous years. Our organization operates almost exclusively on the funds provided by our donors. Since 1977, PEP has researched military spending and educated the public on the hazards of an unchecked military-industrial complex and promoted the conversion of our economy from a military to a more stable, peace-based economy. Local weapons manufacturing, arms proliferation, and worldwide militarization are among the subjects our organization addresses. We collaborate with other organizations to raise consciousness about where our tax dollars are invested and to encourage others to reinvest in their communities. PEP has also promoted arms control as a method of security.

Executive Director Jason Sibert came to the organization with a background in journalism and  he has spread PEP’s message by publishing a number of stories in publications such as Today’s Advantage, Progressive Populist, Daily Kos, St. Louis American, and the St. Louis Post Dispatch. His work takes much time and requires a lot of research.

Give St. Louis is powered by the St. Louis Community Foundation and is a part of the foundation’s initiative to expand charitable giving by strengthening the local non-profit sector. PEP encourages all supporters, and potential supporters, to donate during the Give St. Louis Fundraising Drive. One can donate by visiting this link:


Jason Sibert is the Executive Director of the Peace Economy Project in St. Louis.