On President Trump’s Space Force Proposal

By Brenna Sullivan

President Donald Trump’s plans to extend the military arsenal into the final frontier presents problems in more than one area.

Trump recently spoke on how our country will remain a leader in spacefaring. In more than just one of his far-fetched comments, Trump ordered the Pentagon to create an independent branch of the military, a Space Force. His overall thoughts being that “it is not enough to merely have an American presence in space. We must have American dominance in space.” What Trump apparently doesn’t completely comprehend is that the creation of a joint military command is the responsibility of Congress, as they are the body that would authorize its creation and the budget required to make it happen.

The creation of a Space Force is an appeal by Trump to Americans who grew up during the original Space Race to recharge the American desire to “explore new horizons and tame new frontiers”. However, this proposal doesn’t take our country’s needs into consideration. If a Space Force were created, Trump would most likely increase the existing budget instead of push around the excessive funds already in place. Where will the money come from? More than likely by taking from the direct domestic needs of the American people, such as healthcare, hunger, and education programs.

While Congress should be the ultimate decision maker here, the biggest concern now and throughout the entirety of Trump’s presidency is his total lack of awareness of his responsibilities or the way his rhetoric makes him appear to the American public.  He appears to think he can just clap his hands and the Pentagon will turn his commands into reality.  His desire to be the best end up going against even his own governmental structures such as NASA.

In reference to encouraging nontraditional space programs led by wealthy entrepreneurs like Space X and Blue Origin, Trump said: “just go ahead, if you beat us to Mars, we’ll be very happy, and you’ll be even more famous. As long as it’s an American rich person, that’s good, OK? They can beat us. We’ll save a little money, and they can beat us, and we’re taking full credit for it, don’t worry about it.” All that matters to Donald Trump is that a rich American, himself, is on top.