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CALL TO ACTION: National Resolutions Week on Military Spending

New Priorities Network-Major combat began in Afghanistan on October 7th, 2001. As we quickly approach the 11 year anniversary, millions of Americans feel (and are) increasingly under-represented around issues of war and military spending. The New Priorities Project, Vets for Peace, Code Pink, and other statewide groups are sponsoring a new resolutions week, aimed at the specific problem of military spending and its impact on local communities. During the first week in October “we the people” are calling on City Council members to weigh in on US military spending. As constituents of responsive and accessible City Council members, we find truth in the phrase, “all politics is local.” By taking action at the local, community level, our resolution on military spending will be introduced, debated, and passed by City Councils across the country.

Visit the New Priorities Website (CLICK HERE) to learn how to introduce military spending resolutions in your city. Helpful Links include “Organizing Strategies,” an Organizer’s Guide and other helpful resource material.